Dear Collective,
Well we made it. We are on the other side of 2020, it’s been quite a ride. There are no resolutions to be made this time around. What we all really need is a long cozy nap. We’d love to just hibernate for a couple of months but alas, BILLS. However, if you’re like us and sometimes you try to find the lesson in the chaos, now is the time. In fact, this is a time like no other. So what’s the opportunity then? What treasures has the upheaval of the past year or two gifted to us? This is most certainly a new chapter. Maybe instead of the New Year, we call it the New Chapter. Because that’s what this feels like to us.
This is an opportunity to push the reset button. You could say, isn’t every January 1st an opportunity to push the reset button? Yes of course, but so is every morning. We’re talking about the significance of the changes we’ve been asked to make against our will. There’s nothing like a pandemic t0 topple some old ways of being. That’s the beauty of a tower moment really, you aren’t given a choice. The Universe does not fuck around forever. If we don’t do what we need to do, it’s eventually done for us. When Change comes for you, you can either take it by the hand or run from it. The problem is, Change doesn’t get tired of chasing you and it’s patient… in a super creepy, “ex-boyfriend, stalking you,” kind of way.
To that, we’d say this; it’s ok to afraid. Change is a scary thing. Change keeps you up at night, it takes you down the “what-if” rabbit hole at 2:00AM when all you want is one good night of sleep. But if you can be brave, if you can let go of the need to control, the need to know what’s around the corner, the path becomes smoother. When you stop trying to fit every experience into the same, worn-out, overplayed paradigm, the Universe gives you exactly what you need to grow into who you’re meant to be. Every experience we have it meant to help us fulfill the contract we signed up for when we decided to inhabit this body, in this lifetime. Trust in the Universe, trust the process, we are not meant to know everything. Let go of the need to control, the need to know, to have an answer to every question. Stop forcing it, surrender and allow yourself to flow with the energy of the Universe. We promise, you won’t be disappointed.